Tuesday, 28 August 2012


Today, we introduce about two kinds of folktales.
(1) The Hare and the Tortoise
(2) Urashima Taro

folktale-foreign version

The Hare and the Tortoise
   There were a hare and a tortoise. The hare said, "Let's race you!" The turtle accepted.  Then, they started running. At first, the hare was faster than the tortoise. So the hare took a nap. On the other hand, the tortoise kept running. When the hare noticed that the tortoise passed him, it was too late. After all, the tortoise beated the hare.

This story tells us that continuity is the father of success.

Here is a link to "The Hare and the Tortoise."
The Hare and the Tortoise

folktale- Japanese version

Urashima Taro
   One day Urashima Taro helped a turtle. Then, a turtle took him to Ryugujo in sea. And he enjoyed there, and he received a secret box. The princess said, "Don't open it. If you open it, you will get old." But, after getting back to seashore, he opened it. Then, he became an old man. That's too bad.

The point is that if you break a promise, you will happen to meet some bad things.

Here is a link to "Urashima Taro."
Urashima Taro

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